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Security Options for Cargo Containers and Truck Trailers
NovaVision provides a number of solutions for effectively sealing cargo containers and truck trailers at various levels of security. Below we list options from basic, low-security sealing techniques through high-security, multi-layered methods.
Low Security Options for Containers and Trailers
For low-security sealing of truck trailers and cargo containers, metal flat band seals, metal globe band seals, and flat plastic band seals provide an affordable and easily implemented layer of security. These seals can be used to secure the lock hasp on the trailer or container doors. They can be applied easily without any special tools, and can be removed with simple, readily available hand tools such as snips, scissors, wire cutters, or even with bare hands in some cases. Because removal destroys each seal's integrity, band seals are intended for single use applications.
Medium Security Options for Containers and Trailers
For medium security sealing of cargo containers and trailer doors, bolt seals and cable seals provide a layer of protection and access deterrence not offered by lower security options. Cable seals and bolt seals are easily applied to the hasps of door latches without the need for tools or special techniques. The removal of bolt seals requires bolt cutters. Because cable seals vary in cable diameter, the thinnest of the cable seals may be broken by hand or may require wire cutters, but the heaviest of the cable seals will require heavier tools, such as bolt cutters, to remove. Because cable seals and bolt seals must be cut for removal, they are considered one-time use security devices.
Enhanced Security for Containers and Trailers
Installing cable seals around a set of keeper bars provides enhanced security beyond what is provided by applying a cable seal to a single hasp. Security can also be enhanced by layering bolt seals and cable seals on the same trailer or container. A bolt seal in a hasp and a cable seal wrapped around keeper bars provides a two-layered securty approach that creates additional tamper deterrence over a single form of sealing. Another option for enhancing security is to add an adhesive door seal in combination with one of our low-security options, such as a flat metal band seal, a globe metal band seal, or a flat plastic band seal.
High Security for Containers and Trailers
Barrier seals are recommended for high security sealing of cargo container and truck trailer doors.
Very High Security for Containers and Trailers
For very high security applications, NovaVision recommends using a multi-layered aproach, combining a barrier seal with three cargo door seals.